Checkout support for Romanian
Reepay Checkout now also speaks Romanian. See
Cheers, Reepay
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Reepay Checkout now also speaks Romanian. See
Cheers, Reepay
When creating a charge, recurring or subscription session it is now possible to define a payment_method_reference
parameter. The payment method reference is stored on saved payment methods (e.g. card) if the session results in a saved payment method.
The payment method reference is returned in the customer_payment_method_added
webhook, allowing to link the webhook to a specific session/order.
If the payment_method_reference
is not defined, the session id will be used as default.
Cheers, Reepay
Reepay now supports Google Pay.
Google Pay offers a frictionless payment experience on Android devices where cards have been added in the Google Pay wallet and a supported browser, e.g. Chrome, is used. Google Pay can be activated in the Reepay Administration and only requires a card acquiring agreement supporting Google Pay (Reepay, Nets, Clearhaus, Swedbank and Bambora).
For details see:
Cheers, Reepay
The deadline for PSD2 is approaching, which means Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) will become mandatory within the EU. Danish issuers will require SCA by January 11, 2021. For details on PSD2 and SCA see:
Reepay will make sure all accounts are ready for SCA by enabling 3D Secure and/or Secured by Nets on those accounts not already using SCA.
The newest version of 3D Secure (version 2) supports a frictionless authentication flow, where the customer is not presented with any challenges (two-factor authentication). For issuing banks to make a decision on whether a frictionless authentication can be granted, they will need information about the customer and the context of the payment. Some of this data is provided by Reepay, e.g. customer browser information, but some of the data needs to be provided by you the merchant.
The data is not mandatory, but we urge you to consider sending the additional information to maximize the chance of a frictionless authentication flow. For details on sending SCA data see:
Merry Christmas, Reepay
For credit card charges, card issuer country is now returned for get charge ( as source.card_country
Card issuer country is also returned in the card object for saved payment methods. See:
Cheers, Reepay
A custom trial period can now be defined when creating a subscription, overriding the trial setting on the subscription plan. See parameter trial_period
in the create subscription operation:
Cheers, Reepay
Reepay's Intelligent Routing makes it possible for you to minimize your acquiring costs. You may have one acquirer agreement with low prices for domestic cards while another agreement gives you lower prices for international cards. By using Reepay Intelligent Routing the payment is automatically routed to the acquirer with the lowest cost. The Intelligent Routing is based on our new Fee Configuration, where you easily can configure your acquiring fees.
If you are interested in using this functionality, please contact your Reepay contact person or ask in the chat, to get more details and pricing on this new feature.
It is now possible to let the customer choose whether to save card in a charge session instead of fixing this for the session with the recurring
parameter. When creating a session the following parameters can now be used:
- If defined it will be the default selection for a save card checkbox. That is, if set to true
the option will be default selected, and vice versa for false
- Can be used to control the label for the checkbox. The default is "Save card".Example with recurring_optional=true
and the default label:
If the customer chooses to save card, the payment_method
parameter will be returned from the session and the charge object ( will have the attribute recurring_payment_method
. For details see the create charge session API call:
Cheers, Reepay
We are happy to announce a new great feature called Card Verification.
The Card Verification operation checks the validity of a stored card without making an actual authorisation on the card. That is, the check will not be visible to the cardholder on their bank statement.
This allows you to check a card's validity before doing an actual charge on the card.
Currently this operation is only supported for the following acquirers: Nets, Swedbank, and Bambora. The operation is supported by our API, read more here:
Best regards
The Reepay Team
It is now possible to provide an optional order text to a Checkout recurring session. A recurring session is used when saving a payment method or signing up to a subscription. If provided the text will be shown in the Checkout form.
See argument order_text
Cheers, Reepay